ZENSTY Token is a Binance Smart Contract token.

ZENSTY Token is used as an in-game token.

ZENSTY Token is issued for safe transaction and distribution of game money. By incorporating blockchain into the game, secure transactions have become possible. It can also prevent fraudulent crimes in game money and cash transactions.

ZENSTY Token is not a single currency used only in one game.

The goal of ZENSTY Token is to become the key currency for mobile games.

All games released by ZENSTY will use ZENSTY Token. As more game titles use ZENSTY Token, the usage of ZENSTY Token will increase, so the token value is expected to rise stably.

Since the price of ZENSTY Token is formed by the transaction of game money by the exchange, transparent price formation is possible.

All games released by ZENSTY apply ZENSTY Token. And we will apply ZENSTY Token to indie games that are published by ZENSTY and grow together.

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